Law Firm News

Super Lawyers 2025

Congratulations to Patrick Flaherty, Paul Krentz and Mark Masur on being selected to the Super Lawyer list for 2025. Patrick has been selected by Super Lawyers for over 20 years. Paul Krentz has been selected for over 10 years, and Mark Masur has been selected for over 15 years.

Super Lawyers 2021

Congratulations to Patrick Kinnally, Patrick Flaherty, Paul Krentz and Mark Masur on being selected to the Super Lawyer list for 2021. Super Lawyers also selected Christopher Warmbold as a Rising Star for 2021

Going the Distance

            At the conclusion of Sunday service, after catching up with friends and saying good-bye, Jason got in his car to drive home. It was a sunny, late summer day.  He was looking forward to a quiet afternoon with family. The route home was familiar, one he had taken hundreds of times before.  As he approached the busiest intersection on his way home, he could see his light was green. He had the right of way, so he believed he could proceed through safely.  That confidence was shattered seconds later when a truck traveling the other way suddenly turned left in front of him. Jason reflexively reached for the brake but there was no time. The collision occurred almost instantly. What followed was the deafening sound of crushing metal, shattering glass and the unimaginable pain of a broken body.

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It was only the second work day of the new year. Optimism was still high and holiday memories still fresh. She got up and went to the office job she has enjoyed for over 20 years. About mid-morning, she walked into the file room. And in just the blink of an eye, her life changed forever. Five years later, after multiple hospitalizations, four back surgeries, one shoulder surgery, and one spinal cord stimulator, she is left with an uncertain future of chronic pain, walking aids, depression, and the inability to ever work again.

What turned her life upside down was a carpet manufacturer that put profits ahead of safety. Rather than reform its manufacturing and quality control procedures, it sold to the public carpet tiles which had a built-in tendency to curl at the edges and corners. It did so knowing that “upcurl” created a tripping hazard for busy workers doing their jobs in the high traffic commercial environment for which carpet tiles were designed. The specific tiles that changed this life contained “substantial” upcurl and should not have been sold according to the company’s own standards.

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Making a Difference


A call comes out of the blue. Your elderly but vibrant parents have been seriously injured in a car accident, and both are clinging to life in a remote hospital. Your brothers and spouses rally support. You put your lives on hold for months while you care for the mother and father who cared for you. Despite a valiant struggle, and the uncommon devotion of a special family, your Father slips away. Your Mother survives but faces a lonely and uneasy future. The tranquility of your world has been shattered. As you all search for healing, justice emerges as the essential first step.

The privilege of helping this remarkable family fell to Pat Flaherty, Maggie Mayer CP and his partners at Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur P.C. They fought rentlessly to identify the wrongdoers and to establish the legal responsibilty corporate entities sought to avoid. Once they were cornered, once the evidence became insurmountable, they capitulated. They recognized the pain and suffering they imposed and the specialness they destroyed. A $9.5 million award will stand as validation of the family’s loss and of its commitment to making a difference. Corporate practices will change because of their courage, and society will be a little safer.

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Life-Changing Award for Brain-Damaged Victim

Life-changing personal injury award for brain damaged clientMaking a difference in the lives of people is why our law firm exists. A striking example of that commitment is the recent work of Mark Masur and Pat Flaherty. Following an intense five year battle, they obtained a life-changing award for a construction worker who suffered brain damage after being struck by a train. The award will allow the worker and his family to rebuild their lives and to enjoy a secure and stable future. For us, few things compare to the satisfaction of righting wrongs and renewing the human spirit. Congratulations to Mark and Pat for standing tall. Justice is seldom easy, but it is always worth the fight.

For more information about how the attorneys of Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur P.C. can help you receive the compensation you deserve for injuries suffered due to someone else's negligence, contact us at 630-907-0909 to schedule a free consultation.

Four Attorneys from Aurora Law Firm Named to Super Lawyers 2017 List of Best Attorneys in Illinois

Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur P.C. is pleased to announce the selection of four of its partners to the list of Illinois' top attorneys, as evaluated by Super Lawyers.


kane county lawyer patrick flahertyThe Kane County Personal Injury and Commercial Litigation law firm of Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur P.C. is pleased to announce the selection of four of its partners to the list of Illinois' top attorneys, as evaluated by Super Lawyers, a national ratings service for the legal profession. Receiving this distinguished honor are attorneys Patrick Kinnally, Patrick Flaherty, Paul Krentz and Mark Masur. Selection to this list signifies that the attorneys named have been rated by their peers as among the top 5% of all Illinois lawyers in their respective fields.

Mr. Kinnally was previously named a Super Lawyer in 2006-2007 and in 2009-2016. His practice includes general and commercial litigation, zoning, probate litigation, local government law and immigration law. He recently prevailed at trial in a drainage dispute between neighbors and in a zoning/building permit dispute between a property owner and a homeowners’ association/village. He has received the highest rating from his peers for skill and integrity with an AV Preeminent

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Kane County Personal Injury Lawyer Receives Prestigious Award

Aurora Personal Injury Lawyer Patrick Flaherty has been awarded a Trial Lawyer Excellence Award by the Jury Verdict Reporter.


kane county lawyer patrick flahertyAurora Personal Injury Lawyer Patrick Flaherty has been awarded a 2016 Trial Lawyer Excellence Award by the Jury Verdict Reporter. The Annual Jury Verdict Reporter Awards for Trial Lawyer Excellence recognize case and career achievements of Illinois lawyers.

Mr. Flaherty was one of only 13 Illinois lawyers to receive a JVR Award for case achievement in 2016. The awards were presented at an invitation only ceremony at the Chicago Cultural Center in downtown Chicago. Pat Flaherty is an accomplished trial lawyer who has devoted his professional life to helping victims of negligence and wrongdoing. He has been a partner for many years at Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur, P.C., a well-regarded personal injury and commercial litigation law firm in Aurora, Illinois. The JVR Award was given to Mr. Flaherty for achieving the largest paraplegia verdict or settlement in Kane County history on behalf

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Aurora General and Commercial Litigation Lawyer Appointed to Supreme Court Committee

The Supreme Court Committee on Jury Instructions in Civil Cases is a body of distinguished lawyers from across Illinois who are responsible for drafting jury instructions and recommending them to the Supreme Court.


kane county attorney patrick kinnallyThe Illinois Supreme Court has appointed Kane County Civil Litigation Attorney Patrick Kinnally to its Committee on Jury Instructions in Civil Cases. Kinnally is a partner at Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur, P.C., a well-regarded personal injury and commercial litigation law firm in Aurora, Illinois. This is the fourth consecutive year in which Mr. Kinnally has been selected to serve on the Committee. He was initially appointed in 2014.

The Supreme Court Committee on Jury Instructions in Civil Cases is a body of distinguished lawyers from across Illinois who are responsible for drafting jury instructions and recommending them to the Supreme Court. The instructions identify the legal requirements for a variety of legal claims recognized under Illinois law. They provide guidance for jurors in determining the outcome of the cases before them and they are used every day in courts throughout Illinois. Accurate and clear jury instructions are essential for the proper administration of justice.

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Aurora Attorney Paul Krentz Recognized in Leading Lawyers Magazine

Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur P.C. Partner Paul G. Krentz was featured in the 2017 Real Estate Edition of Leading Lawyers Magazine.


Paul G. Krentz Leading Lawyer The Aurora, Illinois, law firm of Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur P.C. is pleased to announce that Partner Paul G. Krentz was recognized in Leading Lawyers Magazine. The 2017 Real Estate Edition features Krentz in a three-page spread, entitled “Champion of Property Rights, the Injured and Abused,” covering his career and legal legacy.

For an attorney to be honored as a Leading Lawyer, he or she must be recommended by their legal peers and approved by the organization’s official state Advisory Board. Each nominee is judged on their quality, experience, and reputation in their specific areas of practice.

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Our Lawyers


We have some of the finest attorneys practicing today. They are recognized nationally for their skill and integrity. Each one is dedicated to helping people and to securing justice. Our different areas of focus are used collaboratively to provide comprehensive remedies and solutions. Contact one of us and we will all roll up our sleeves and work for you.


Our Office


We provide the experience, resources and facilities of a big-city firm without the inconvenience and expense of driving and parking in Chicago. Located 40 miles west of Chicago on the far west side of Aurora, we are easy to reach from anywhere in northern Illinois.